Upwork is a great site for beginner freelancers who are just setting foot in the freelance world. It has a wide variety of jobs to choose from depending on your skillset. There are jobs for both beginners and experts.
Here are some tips for those starting out on the platform.
1. Set up your account.
Log in to the website and click on the sign-up button and fill in your details. Make sure you are putting the right details including your real name, real photo, right payment details e.t.c
It is important, to be honest in your profile and fill it out extensively with all your experience and past projects.
2. Choose your skills.
There is a wide variety of jobs on Upwork that require a wide range of skills.
Your next step will be to decide on which skills you can do best on the platform. You can do this by going through the site and the job descriptions.
3. Sharpen your skills.
The skill that you decide to work with on Upwork has to be a skill you possess and are good at.
Avoid applying for jobs you cannot do effectively or for jobs with a skill set you do not possess. If you do not have the skills, take some time to learn. You can do online courses or look for tutorials online.
4. Applying for jobs.
Once you have completed filling out your application and you’ve been approved to work on the platform, you can now start sending out proposals and applying for various jobs.
Here are some tips on how to write proposals.
5. Setting up payment details.
It is now an important step to set up your payment channel.
You should make sure you have a working PayPal account.
Although not necessary, it is advisable to use the same email on your profile for your payment platform.
6. Understanding how the platform works.
If you are going to work on Upwork, then you need to know how the platform works.
Upwork has points called connects which are used every month. Every job you apply for has several “connects” which you lose after sending your bid.
It is important to check how many “connects” a job takes.
Here is a video about getting started on Upwork.
At Attisfire, our goal is to help you as either a creator or freelancer to use the internet creatively, effectively, and profitably. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us on our platforms.
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