As a content creator, you have a demanding task to create, schedule and deliver content which is not easy.

Thoughts such as,
“I need to post this video this week
“I need to post a blog”
” My socials are inactive”
” Have I replied to all my e -mails?”

All flood your mind.

This can be stressful and have a negative impact on your motivation as a content creator.

In this blog post we will share tips on how to effectively manage your workload.

1. Cross-promote one piece of content

You can create one universal piece of content like a blog post or a video on a specific topic. At Attisfire, we call that your “apex content”

This way you will have the option to snip it up, spread it out & share it on all your platforms. That way you don’t have to create new content for every single platform.

Always remember to customize your content to fit the purpose of each platform.

2. Create evergreen content

Just as the name implies, evergreen content is content that is continually relevant and stays “fresh” for readers over a long period of time.

A post like, ‘How to grow your brand’ or ‘How to taste wine’, is evergreen and can be posted anytime from January to December without losing meaning.

That way you don’t have to create new/ trending content every time.

It is important to mix it up with captions and pictures to make your content more appealing.

Snip & spread it out.

3. Plan your content in advance.

Having a plan is vital in content creation. It ensures that you stay consistent. It also guides you on what to post on days when you don’t have the motivation. Creators also swear by creating content ahead of time.

Write it all down, batch film, create captions, make the graphics, write the posts etc.

It is best to do this on your free relaxed days, I personally do this on weekends on evernotetrello, and Google drive

I am sure at one point you ever tried coming up with captions/ text on demand and your brain froze. A plan will help with that.

4. Create a content calendar.

A content calendar complements your social media plan and strategy.

This can be created on Excel to have a birds-eye view of your yearly, quarterly, monthly and weekly content.

You don’t have to create all content at once. Try creating a week’s content in advance first and then you can gradually pan further depending on your content.

Here is a video on creating a social media calendar.

5. Refresh and re-purpose old content

You don’t always have to create new content. Sometimes little but meaningful and rich information is of more importance to your audience.

At Attisfire, we always redo our content and post it afresh. In this content creation business, there is so much to do and you feel you have to be everywhere doing everything.

However, unless you have a team or alot of time, simplify your systems.

Start with a few platforms and types of media that work for you then scale and repurpose.
Not everyone sees your blog post, video, tweet, photo, post the first time you share it on the timeline. You spent time to edit, write, post and record. Why would you only post it once?

Have a look at an old tweet I refreshed below.

Watch our video on repurposing content here:

6. Snip your content

Edit and cut your videos breaking them into many multiple snippets. This way you have videos to post on different days. The snippets can also pique people’s interest so that they click on the main video.

This can also be done for blogposts. However, ensure that you do this in a creative and smart way so as not to inundate people with your content.

An example of a snipped video.

7. Schedule your content
Content scheduling is very important to maintain consistency on your platforms

The easiest way to do this is by using the vast scheduling tools that are available on the internet.

Most of our tweets are scheduled with tweetdeck.

We also use bufferIFTTThootsuite and SproutSocial for clients.

Facebook has it’s own native scheduler.

This ensures that your content is flowing and you can focus on other things in your business.

8. Consistency

Most social media users are active daily users. This makes consistency an important consideration for content creators.

Sometimes, you are better off posting once a day than sporadically. Disappearing for weeks and posting 600 times a day won’t work. This is similar to overwatering a plant on one day when you forgot to do it on other days. It will not make the plant thrive.

As a creator it is important to find your balance.

At Attisfire, our goal is to help you as either a creator or freelancer to use the internet creatively, effectively, and profitably. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us on our platforms.
Facebook page

9. Pick the platforms that work for you. You can even be on one place.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be on every platform when starting out. I would suggest that you find your sweet spot(s) and use those platforms. If you have systems in place to ensure you are growing everywhere, good for you.

If not, start with 1 or 2 platforms and grow there.

In conclusion, the content creation and marketing game does not have to be a stressful process for you. With proper planning, you can create a strong personal brand.