We are in week 2 of the blogging challenge, and I hope it has not been too hard for you so far.

This week, I am talking about consistency. Whether you’re an experienced blogger or you just joined my challenge as a new blogger, maintaining a regular editorial schedule is key to

  • building a loyal audience
  • improving your writing skills
  • achieving your blogging goal

How to become better at consistency as a writer

Create a content calendar

A content calendar is a valuable tool for planning and organizing your blog content. Use it to brainstorm topic ideas, schedule posts, and track progress toward your publishing goals. Consider themes, seasonal trends, and upcoming events to keep your content relevant and timely. Having a roadmap in place will help you stay on track and maintain consistency.

Try the attisfire system. One theme per week


Batch your content creation

Batching your content creation can help streamline your workflow and improve efficiency. Set aside dedicated blocks of time to brainstorm ideas, research topics, write drafts, and edit final posts. By tackling multiple tasks in focused sessions, you can minimize distractions and maximize productivity, allowing you to create a backlog of content to stay ahead of schedule.

Develop a writing routine

Establishing a consistent writing routine can help you stay disciplined and motivated. Find a time of day that works best for you—whether it’s early morning, during your lunch break, or in the evening—and carve out dedicated time for writing. Create a conducive environment free from distractions, and set realistic goals for each writing session to maintain momentum.

Stay flexible and adapt

Life happens, and there may be times when maintaining consistency becomes challenging. Be flexible and adaptable in your approach to blogging. If unforeseen circumstances arise, don’t be too hard on yourself—prioritize self-care and wellness above all else. Remember, consistency is about progress, not perfection. Adjust your schedule as needed and find a rhythm that works for you.

Avoid the over-consumption trap

Avoid the comparison trap where you spend hours looking at what other writers are doing. Focus on your unique journey and goals. Consuming too much content can lead to overwhelm and hinder productivity. Set boundaries, prioritize creating over consuming, and trust in your own path to success.

In conclusion, consistency is a muscle that you build by repeating these steps

  • creating goals
  • creating a schedule
  • creating a system and editorial calendar
  • showing up, researching, writing and editing
  • publishing and sharing your work across platforms


For this week, I will not bombard you with a lot of stuff. Once you are done with the challenge, share your link on X (Twitter) with the tag #ContentwithJean

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