There are two kinds of people in this world: those who embrace the new, and those who resist it.


The former is always eager to learn new skills and are open to change. They see the value in learning something new because they understand that it can make them more valuable to their employers and/or help them progress in their careers. For example, if you’re an accountant and your company is starting to use QuickBooks for accounting purposes, you should learn how to use it as soon as possible.

The latter group tends to resist change and stay stuck in their comfort zone. They don’t want to learn new skills because they think their current ones are good enough or because they don’t see the point in learning something that won’t make them money immediately (and/or they don’t want to spend time learning something that doesn’t pay well).

Well, guess what? Learning new skills won’t just benefit your career — it can also make you happier! Here are four reasons why you need to learn new skills:

Online learning is the new frontier for self-improvement, and there are tons of websites that can help you learn anything from coding to investing.

The key is choosing the right site for your needs — one that fits your budget, schedule, and goals. Here are some of the best online learning sites:

1. Coursera

Coursera is an open online course provider founded by Stanford professors. Coursera works with universities and other organizations to offer online courses, certifications, and degrees in a variety of subjects.


Offers free and paid courses.


Available for some courses.

2. Udemy

Udemy is a massive open online course provider aimed at professional adults and students. They also partner with universities and other academic institutions to offer courses. They offer a variety of courses ranging from financial analysis, digital marketing, branding, design, marketing, etc.

Pricing: Udemy offers free and paid courses.

Certification: Available for some courses

3. Youtube

Youtube is not just a video-sharing platform, it is also home to a wide range of skills you can learn. The platform has a video for almost every skill you might learn.

Just visit the website and search for your interested skill.


Free to use

No Certification

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4. Linkedin Learning

Linkedin Learning is an online learning platform with on-demand, video-based content. The platform offers more than 16,000 courses, 9,000 of which are in English. Each is broken down into multiple short videos with specific learning goals.

Their courses are divided into three categories: business, technology and creative. Each category contains subcategories.


Both free and paid courses are available


Yes, for some courses.

5. Masterclass

Masterclass is an online education subscription platform on which students can access tutorials and lectures pre-recorded by experts in various fields.

Videos are sourced from experts and celebrities. The videos have great production value, courses are engaging and fast-moving, and you get a mix of practical tools as well as nuggets of insights into the lives of the celebrities you love. 

Pricing: Paid with a free trial.

Certification: They do not give an official certificate but will send you an official email and congratulatory message after course completion.

6. EDX Free Online Courses.

edX is a learning platform that gives students from any country the opportunity to take free online courses offered by premier Universities around the world.


Free to use


Online learners can earn a certificate of completion after completing the course.


Do you have other websites that you use to learn new skills?